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Week 4

Hello wonderful Year 3!

I hope you have a wonderful week.

as usual there will be zoom calls at 9:30am every day and an afternoon call either at 2:15pm or 1:30 (for Science). Please make sure you have your books and pencils with you for the Zoom calls, just in case.

Please continue to send me your learning via e-mail. I have loved seeing all of your hard work.


I would like to remind you all of our school values. Although they are all vital, I would like to focus on Kindness and Love. with these values we can focus primarily on our well-being, both physical and mental.


Please remember, first and foremost we need to be

happy and healthy.

It is only then that we are able to learn.


I hope you have a lovely week. Please e-mail any questions you have and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Miss you all.

Mr K
