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Day 4


Session 4- How many cubes?

Please watch the video lesson and complete the activity. 

Take photographs of your work and upload to EExAT through your parent account.



Please read the e-book "Stuck in the Rain":

Read through some of the ai words and the high-frequency words at the start of the book. This book is much more complex than the previous books so please take turns reading sentences with your child. They will be able to read the speech bubbles.

Please record your reading inside your child's reading record.



This week we will be learning a range of CVC+ words using our Phase 3 sounds.

  1. Practise your tricky words through Epic Phonics 'Say hello to' songs: Phase 2 and Phase 3
  2. Make some tricky word flashcards using this Phase 4 Moster phonics Tricky Word mat.

3. Read through them then play tricky word splat! Arrange all your tricky word flashcards on the floor in front of you, and get your helper to say one of those tricky words. With a fly swatter or a wooden spoon, SPLAT the word your helper said. This game is especially fun with a brother or sister, or with an extra adult, seeing who can spot the tricky word first! If there are no other adults, you could take turns taking a word out of a hat and racing to find it first!





Please practice neatly writing your name 5 times.

Please use your best cursive writing.

Parents: It may be necessary to model how you would like to see the name written so your child knows what they're aiming for. Take care to ensure that all of the letters are correct and are in the right places.

You can spread this activity throughout the day! Your writing should get neater every time you practise.

Extension: If you can write your first name easily, try practising your last name!

Please upload a photograph of your writing to EExAT via your parent account.

(Please also use this as an opportunity for your child to complete the handwriting in their handwriting book).


Optional Afternoon Activities

  • Sing some minibeast nursery rhymes such as Wiggly Woo, Ladybird, Ladybird or Incy Wincey Spider. Music and lyrics for these nursery rhymes can be found on Youtube.
  • Re-read/ Listen to the Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis (Youtube). What's your favorite part of the story? Is there a part of the story you don't like? Do you think the girls did the right thing by letting him go?
  • Can you move like a Bog Baby? Encourage the children to move like a bog baby-jumping up and down, floating on their backs, slapping their wings...Can they make their bodies ‘soft as jelly’, like he ‘had no bones’?