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Term 3


Our book for this term is Paddington by Michael Bond. The children were surprised to find Paddington in the classroom when they returned to school after the Christmas holidays. Paddington came with a suitcase and a note, asking Lighthouse Class to look after him. The children made predictions about how he might have got to our school and why he might be here. They also made predictions about who might have written the letter. As the term goes on, we will be reading more of the book.

The children were excited to find that Paddington had received a postcard from his Aunt Lucy who was on holiday in Italy. They helped Paddington to write a postcard back to Aunt Lucy, by first learning about the features of postcards. Following this, the children wrote their own postcards and even went to post them!


Lighthouse Class are beginning Term 3 by continuing their learning on place value to 20. So far, the children have been getting to grips with the number line, first working in teams to create their own number lines, then filling in missing numbers on number lines.

The children have also been developing their knowledge of addition and subtraction up to 20. They have been using the number line, visual representations such as part-whole models and manipulatives, such as ten frames, to help them add and subtract.


In RE, Lighthouse Class are learning all special people who help us, and the people who help within the church community. We have learned all about the different roles within the church, and we made pictures of people doing the different roles to add to a picture of our church.


In Project, we are learning all about the UK. We have been using atlases, maps and a globe to find the UK. We will be learning about the four countries that make up the UK, along with their capital cities and the seas that surround them.


In PSHE, Lighthouse Class are learning about all the different aspects of healthy living. We have learned about what sorts of food we should be eating, and we have learned that we should not be eating too many sweets or too much chocolate! The children have designed a healthy meal.

We have also learned that being active is important for a healthy life. We learned that just playing in the playground is a form of exercise! The children talked about what exercise they do during the week. They then acted out different forms of exercise for the rest of the class to guess.


In Music, the children have been listening to and appraising different pieces of music. They have also been learning to use their voices and bodies to create sounds. 


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Making the sound of a strong wind.

Lighthouse Class have been learning all about tempo and dynamics and how they can represent changing weather by playing their instruments quickly or slowly, loudly or quietly. Our Music theme has been 'By the Sea' and the children have been using their instruments to represent sounds they might hear at the seaside. They even wrote down the piece of music that they had created!


In Computing, we have been learning about algorithms and programming. The children have been learning to programme bee-bots. They discovered that the bee-bot does not go where they want it to unless they cancel the previous instructions first.


In DT, the children have been learning all about pushes and pulls. They have designed their own moving picture of Paddington, taking inspiration from our class text. The children then made their moving pictures!


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